The focus of workshop one was Who? The success of the project will be dependent on understanding the lived experience of beneficiaries, but significantly, this is context dependent, meaning that the relationship with caregivers and service providers (arts and health) must be prioritised from the outset. With this in mind, the objectives for workshop one were directed toward four key questions:
Who are we designing with/for? Who are the beneficiaries, care-givers and service providers (arts and health)? What could make movement irresistible, specifically within the context of settings and relationships? What are the barriers to engagement? What can we learn from this, and what opportunities are emerging? For more on this see Case Study One
In this second workshop we asked: What could we be creating? The objective was to scope the technological, artistic and bio metric potential of MMI in relation to the findings from workshop one. The event comprised of four sessions: making movement, digital movement, making more movement and moving on. For more on this see Case Study Two.
In Workshop Three we presented ideas for a MMI concept using low-fidelity prototypes inspired by the findings from workshop 2. Participants were invited to create stories, scenarios and journeys that would prompt them to consider how they would implement the concept in care settings. Workshop activities included: pitch and play, scenarios and stories, step by step and show and tell. Participants were divided into three teams, Team Creator, Team Data and Team Motivator. Each team had one or two members from Cardiff Met, our project partners and external participants, plus online participants on a laptop. Team Motivator comprised of participants whose role in the real world is to motivate people to take more exercise in a meaningful way, they were headed by Professor Diane Crone, Professor for Sport and Exercise at Cardiff Met. Team Data included participants, who as part of their professional role, are interested in gathering bio-metric data as indicators of patient health and wellbeing, this team included Dr Abdul Seckham, research coordinator for Stroke Hub Wales. Team Creator included our artist/dance partners, led by Heidi Wilson. For more on this see Case Study Three
In workshop four we worked with our partners from the arts and health professions to address the need for research and innovation to grounded in authentic creative relationships. We asked how we might provide meaningful interactions between facilitator/partner and older person, what data will facilitators need and how do we encourage sustained engagement? The focus for the refinements of MMI is to ensure that the technology is easy to use and understand, imaginative and playful; that we gather useful data, meaningful feedback, evidence and reward.
This film is a conversation between Cardiff Met partners, Wendy Keay-Bright, Heidi Wilson and Rachel Adams reflecting on the process and lessons learned from co-designing with Arts and Health practitioners. The film complements the WAHWN case study,